Thursday, May 01, 2003

Okay. Enough of the incredibly long postings. I don't suppose anybody made it through all of that anyway. Besides, it really was only a way for me to cut and paste a post from someplace else in an effort to determine the capabilities of this free service. BTW I have determined that the free service, although it's cool, dosen't offer much in the way of control. At least from what I've discovered so far. No HTML or site specific codes to dress the thing up. But that's okay. I can upgrade to the Plus account if I really want more functionality. But that won't come very soon. I'd hate to throw some dollars at this and then not use it. So for now, it'll be a plain jane kinda thing.

Oh, I do want to make people aware of another Blog written by high school senior Alesheia Hake. Hakestock. Check out her latest rant regarding persons who aren't satisfied with being second-string but can't take the pressure of a first-string position!

What ho! Wait a second. That web address is an HTML code. Hmmm.... maybe there is some hidden functionality here!?! Lets see. The next sentence should be in bold type face. Okay, is this sentence BOLD?

Is this a new paragraph?

Is this sentence RED?

Okay this should be back to normal.

If you see a bunch of junk in a really long sentence above, HTML dosen't work. Otherwise, it does (at least in part). That could make this blog site a lot more fun!

Enough for now. In the ensuing days, I'll start posting links to cool stuff I find on the web.

Stay Tuned!

Oh, and remember,

Creativity comes from motion... Don't Sit Still!!!