Why do some people want to be mechanics and others want to be farmers, while some want to become lawyers at the same time a different person wants to be a musician? What is it about "the call?" Why are some so successful at accomplishing those desires? Why are some people incredibly blessed to make their living by doing something that, to them, is more like play than like work?
What is it that you want to do? What would you be doing right now if there wasn't something else stopping you? What is your 'calling?'
The bible says ”If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." (John 15:7-14 NIV)
Read that again carefully, first is the condition; "remain in me and my words." Are you doing this? If you believe that God is the creator of all things, then who could know more about life and how things work? Hide God's words in your heart. Find other Christians and get into a bible discussion or study group. Begin to 'remain' in Jesus and his words. Start by reading the bible every day. Maybe just a few verses or a chapter. Don't make it laborious. I prefer to start my day with bible reading. It seems to set that tone that helps me accomplish my purpose for the day. I can tell you this from personal experience that my life seems to "straighten out" with daily bible reading at the start of the day.
Second is the instruction; "ask whatever you wish." That doesn't mean "I wish I had a new truck." It means that you can talk to God about anything. Life, studies, football, how things work, how you should act, what you should say, what you should write. It means that God will supply you with what you need if you meet the first condition.
The last part; "This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." means that God wants to be glorified by what we say, think, do, and create. It also says that God is glorified by your accomplishments in life because you are known as a man of God. Imagine that! God is glorified when we do the things, with His help, we want to do in life. Things that we'd want to do anyway! He supplies the desire, the knowledge, the ability and the motivation. We accomplish our heart's desires which pleases us, and He gets a kick out of the whole thing! Amazing!
You see, it's the perfect plan for imperfect creatures like us. We remain in God's fellowship and learn his word. We ask for his wisdom and help in whatever we do. God supplies the knowledge for us to accomplish our purpose, our calling. God is glorified by seeing that we are successful and are known as his children. Pretty awesome, right?
Now, if you're caught up in something other than your calling, it's time to reevaluate your position in life. Isn't it? Can you make your living, doing your calling? Maybe you can. I'd start with learning God's word and developing that relationship first. Then, I'd begin asking for direction, knowledge and wisdom. After that, I believe it will all fall into place. Try it. Prove me wrong or right. Start your day, for the next 30 days with reading the bible for about 30 minutes. I dare you.