One of the foundations of life it this: Everything Counts. Everything we do all day and all night long adds up to a life. Life's outcomes are neither more nor less than the consequences of everything we do, good, bad or indifferent. It all counts.
One of the attitudes that can have devistating effect on our life is thinking that only what we want to count, counts. But that is an attitude that most people seem to believe. Most people are willing to do one or two things, maybe more, to have a certain result come about in their lives. But, at the same time, they are willing to allow other non-productive time wasters to thwart those very same efforts.
It is a battle. Always. Everything we do is either goal acheiving or tension relieving. We need both in our lives.Achieving the correct balance between the two is the hard part. Tension relieving activites are required for a healthy life. But tension relieving activities rarely, if ever, move us toward a successful life. Remember, everything counts. At the end of the day, you are either closer to your goals or not. I have found that accomplishing worthy goals actually relieves tension better than many of the tension relieving activities we undertake. In fact, small, goal acheiving activities, exercised each day, make the tension relieving activities all the more enjoyable.
Each decision affects the next. Remember that as you progress through each day. Then as you come face to face with each decision, weigh your choices against your goals. Is it time to relax? Or time to get busy.