CBS News | Viagra Report Spurs Reaction | May 27, 2005 18:58:04
Gee, I was always told, when I was young, that masturbation would make you go blind. Seems that when you're old just getting ready will do the same thing!
What a week for male enhancement drugs and sex in general. Gosh, we let convicted sex offenders get the stuff with government supplied money. That's pretty stupid is seems to me. I've always thought that when a person has "paid their debt" they should be put back on an even plane with everybody else. So maybe this will seem a little out of line. Sexual predators getting Viagra on government money would be like the local sheriff giving a rehabilitated killer a loaded pistol.
To continue the never ending barrage of sex in America we have a new way to sell hamburgers. Does Paris Hilton have ANY talent worth all of the attention? She is very pretty. There is definite sex appeal in the ad. I haven't actually seen the commercial though, except on the news programs. Maybe it would have been better if they'd just left it alone.
So let's see. In America, you must be pretty and sexy, not fat, able to perform sexually, not addicted to porn, a real man, a sexy woman, morally just, a conqueror of many, and on and on. We are bombarded with sex everywhere in almost everything. But we'd better not make an innuendo that someone else could possibly take as sexually offensive or we'll end up in court and forever vilified for our actions. We're prudish if we see any problem whatsoever with ads like the Paris Hilton spot. I don't get it. Mixed messages abound everywhere.
I suppose that when I was 10 years old or whatever, there was some other dude about 50 years old expounding upon how morally corrupt the world had become at that time. I wonder where he is now and if he thinks, in retrospect, that it was really as bad as all of that.
Hey, I wonder if any of those sex offenders taking government viagra went blind? No. I don't suppose we'd get that lucky.