Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Build a Boat

Patience. How long did it take Noah to build the Arc. The Arc was 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 3 stories high. It certainly must have been the largest boat ever built at that time. Noah only had a few hands and hand tools to build it with. Every day for years he would have needed to saw a board, put it in place, hammer a few nails and then determine where the next board would go. The daunting task of constructing this enormous vessel would have taken hundreds of years. He would have done this with thousands of curious looks over time. He probably heard 10,000 sneers and jibes. But Noah was patient. He had an ability to remember the reality of God's Words. He certainly must have concentrated on that memory minute by minute by minute, day after day after day.

Why can't we be patient for even a year? A month? A day? God has his purposes for each of us. We worry and fret and wonder, “Where is God? Why does He not answer my prayer?” and we prayed only minutes ago. A 1000 years is as a day and a day as a 1000 years with God. Today is a good day to start practicing the art of being patient. Wait on the Lord today with a mind full of the knowledge that God is in complete, well timed control. He will be faithful. His purpose will be accomplished. Bless God with patience and begin living in peace.

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